Here are all the nominees for the BKF award 2018

20.08.18 | News

The deadline for submitting nominations to BKF prize Artist-run Exhibition Places of the Year 2018 has now expired: a total of 50 inspiring, experimental and significant artist-run exhibition sites across the country have been nominated by the audience, artist colleagues and collaboration partners. Congratulations to all the nominees – and to the audience who enjoy the unruly, wildly growing spaces for contemporary art that artists work hard to create every day of the year.

The 50 nominees are slightly more than last year and an expression of the strong artist-driven scene we have here, believes BKF chairman Nis Rømer:

"Artist-run exhibition spaces create new, often unexpected spaces for people to encounter contemporary art in. They contribute with critical thinking and a special kind of artist collegial collaborations that often experiment with the framework and form of how art can be displayed. They all contribute to renewing and developing the entire art scene. With the award, BKF wants to recognize the significant artistic development work carried out in these projects.'

Now the jury must choose
Over the summer, everyone was able to nominate one or more places for the prize, which consists of three distributions of DKK 25.000 each. The money comes from BKF's share of VISDA's (formerly Copydan Billedkunst) collective funds, which thus benefits the entire stand.

Now a jury, which this year consists of the visual artists Anna Margrethe Pedersen, Uffe Isolotto and BKF's chairman Nis Rømer, select a shortlist of a total of six winning candidates. The shortlist will be published on 1 October. From the shortlist, three winners of the BKF award 2018 will be chosen, which will be awarded on 26 October at a festive gathering in Carlsberg Akademi's Pompejisal.

Come along to the awards party
Put a mark in your calendar Friday 26 October 2018 – everyone is welcome when we celebrate the artists' own exhibition spaces together!


Here are all the nominees for Artist-run Exhibition Places of the Year 2018:


The winning statuette 'Artist Run' was created by sculptor Anders Bonnesen.

Age of Aquarius

Annual Report

Astrid Noack's Atelier

CAMP – Center for Art on Migration Politics

C4 Projects

CPH Flip Books Nest

Hospital Prison University Archive

House of Danish Graphic Designers


The ex-room


Art gallery next door. July-August 2018: Extend over so as to cover partially.

Future Suburban Contemporary

Gallery Heike Arndt

GrafikGalleriet, Næstved

Graphics, Fyn's Graphic Workshop

The house in Asnæs

Hygum Art Museum

Jeppe Art

Skovsnogen Deep Forrest Artspace. Lydia Hauge Sølvbjerg: Untitled. Photo: René Schmidt.


KH7 Artspace

Newsstand 7

Koldinggade 12

KRÄ Syndicate

Kunsthal Ulys

Art gallery next door

Kunsthal 44 Møen

Square 16

The basement gallery, Torup


Mogens Otto's Exhibition Container.

Mogens Otto's Exhibition Container


OK corral



Pist Protta

Project room D7


Silkeborg Art Gallery

SixtyEight Art Institute

Skagen Art Gallery

Sixtyeight Art Institute, 10/8-13/10 2018: Notes on Darkness. Here Christian Bang Jensen: Expanded Note (Erebus) #3, detail view.

Skovsnogen Deep Forrest Artland

Sondrup Art Gallery

Spain 19C

Sydhavn Station

Svend's Library


Take * then

Draw Artspace

Aabenraa Art Shop