BKF's board: Artists and citizens must have the freedom to express their thoughts – also about war

12.03.24 | News

The violent war in Gaza is causing catastrophic civilian casualties and exposing people's lack of equal rights globally. We watch with dismay as the basis of life for Gaza's civilian population and culture is being torn away.

The situation creates deep polarization in the Western world, also within the art world, where visual artists who have taken a stand and spoken out in the conflict have experienced firings, cancellations of planned exhibitions and a lack of support from the public, sponsors and institutions. The artists are put in a difficult situation, where the exclusion entails negative economic and social consequences. This is deeply worrying and can also lead to self-censorship. The art field must work together to ensure that we do not see this trend in Denmark.

The Association of Visual Artists protects artistic freedom and freedom of expression. Artists investigate and challenge societal issues. Art helps to develop society and artists treat the world that surrounds us and of which we are a part, both in works and expressions. It is part of the DNA of art. Censorship and exclusion have major personal consequences for those affected, but in particular also for the democratic conversation. Every citizen and artist must have the freedom to express their thoughts, beliefs and opinions without fear of censorship or persecution.

As early as last October, we expressed our dismay at the escalating war and called for signatures of demands for an immediate ceasefire. Since then, the humanitarian disaster has developed day by day. We believe it is necessary that international pressure be constantly put on the world's leaders - a durable and humanitarian solution must be established here and now, the illegal attacks on civilians must stop and the destruction of life, of culture and of an important human voice in the world must slow down. The Association of Visual Artists stands for the equal rights of people and wants a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

– Board of the Association of Visual Artists, 12 March 2024


Photo at top: UNICEF