Here are the nominees for the BKF award Artist-run Exhibition Venues of the Year 2017

16.08.17 | News

The deadline for submitting nominations for the BKF award Artist-run Exhibition Venues of the Year 2017 has now expired.

BKF has received nominations from a total of 47 artist-run exhibition venues across the country. This is an increase compared to last year, when 36 places were nominated for the award.

"We are really happy that even more exhibition locations have been selected this year. The list of this year's nominees reflects the wide range, the strong commitment and the high level of quality that characterizes the artist-driven environment here at home," says Nis Rømer, chairman of the Association of Visual Artists.

The jury chooses
On the basis of the submitted nominations, a jury selects the winners of the BKF prize Artist-run Exhibition Venues of the Year 2017, which consists of three awards of 25.000 each.

The jury this year consists of:
Nis Rømer, visual artist, chairman of the Association of Visual Artists
Kirsten Astrup, visual artist, graduate from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 2017
Mathias Kryger, visual artist, curator, critic at the daily newspaper Politiken and visiting professor at the Funen Art Academy.

The winners will be announced at a festive gathering on 13 October in Carlsberg Akademi's Pompejisal. Everyone is welcome!

Nominees for Artist-run Exhibition Venues of the Year 2017: